here you can find all the gathered information whe could find about the public IP address We locate the IP address to the country Germany. The organisation with owned this IP address is Fastly. We provide this information for free and for personal investigation purpose.
You find more detailed lookup information of the IP address below.
Questions like who is behind this IP Address or where is it located and from with ASN network is it part of will be answered.
For severall attributes we can provide a confidence factor. A value from 0-100 representing our confidence of the attribute is correct.
Beside the geografical information we also give you some network facts like the result of a DIG and a NS lookup.
Most of the times people are searching for an IP address is to know the owner of it and if there is a website running an the given IP Address.For the IP we did not find an active website running on it, however we are still optimizing our process to retrieve those information. Also lot of questions ares asked for login details of a website or admin interface. We do not provide these credentials but we have a list of most common used passwords for routers and modems.
We see that your IP is visible when browsing the internet. Do you like more privacy?You can use a VPN to hide your own IP Address.
Technical details
here you see the reverse hostname and if the given IP Address is a public or private IP Address. Public
Location of IP address
For the given IP Address we can do a full location lookup.
Frankfurt am Main (50% confidence) Hesse (HE) (80% confidence) Germany (DE) (99% confidence) 65933 (20% confidence) Europe (EU) Europe/Berlin
ASN and ISP for IP address
General traits like organisation, autonomous system number (ASN) and ISP associated
with the IP address
What is the ASN Number
The Autonomous system Number is the designation for a subnetwork of the Internet with its own routing agenda.
It is a core concept of routing protocols such as the Border Gateway Protocol.
Details about the country in which the ISP has registered the IP address
Furthermore, if available, the represented country.
For instance, the country represented by an overseas military base or embassy.
United States (US) Not Provided
Location on the map for IP address
The latitude and longitude of the location associated with the IP address
In addition, the map is loaded with the circle of accuracy arround the pointer of the location for IP
50.097099 8.595200 20 km The radius in kilometers around the specified location where the IP address is likely to be.
Yes, IP Address information is less than 3 months old.
Reverse DNS
DNS records are used to determine witch IP address (for instance your given IP Address is associated with a hostname. A reverse DNS is to resolve a IP address to lookup what associated hostname for it.
The answer of a reply with the dig command
With the dig command you can perform any valid DNS query. Whe use the dig command to get a list of all the mailservers for the given IP address.
With they are available you can continue your research with this piece of information.
The result of the host command for:
The host command performs DNS lookups to convert an given IP address to a domainname or visa versa. A hostname is more human readable, so it can help you in your research.
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
Find reverse DNS For the IP Address with nslookup.
nslookup is a simple command-line tool to find the domain name that corresponds to an IP address. Nslookup stands for: "name server look ip".
** server can't find NXDOMAIN
Retrieve the full output of the command: "dig"
We already showed you the result of the dig for the mailservers. If you need more details, here is the complete output of the dig command.